What Men Need to Grow Up

What Men Need to Grow Up

You don’t have to look very far to see “the immature masculine” or “toxic masculinity” rampant in our culture     Men commonly put down any sign of “weakness” or sensitivity in other men starting in boyhood and effectively police their behavior by shaming or bullying them. Being a “real man” gets equated with suffering pain, never showing vulnerability or any feelings besides anger.

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Filling Your Tank

Filling Your Tank

Are you feeling depleted? Tired or depressed? It could be that your stroke tank is getting low. What is a stroke tank? A stroke tank is a psychological theory called Transactional Analysis. As its name implies it is about the analysis of the transactions (conversations or interactions) that happen between people and their impact. It was created by Eric Berne, a psychiatrist in the nineteen-fifties.

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The Five Things that Daughters Need from Their Dads

The Five Things that Daughters Need from Their Dads

Dad’s set the bar for what daughters will expect to get from their future romantic partners and male friendships.  The healthier the relationship is between the two of them the more likely that girl will grow up to have a healthy partnership with positive outcomes for all involved. Often times it is difficult initially for dads to know what daughters need from them in life. I hope the list below is of help.

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